Computer Applications In Finance

Computer Applications in Finance FIN

Assignment 2


  • Business owners together with company managers believe that financial statements analysis is invaluable. The outcome of the analyses can help businesses to improve their activities, profitability, cash flow, and value.


You are asked to visit a Co-operative Society in your area and pick up the latest published annual to calculate the liquidity, efficiency, leverage and profitability of the cooperative.

On the basis of your calculation, write a report highlighting the main strength and weaknesses of the Cooperative. It is expected, in your answer, to utilize your critical and analytical skills of highlight how financial statements analysis assists in making intelligent decisions.

Your answer should be within the specified range of 1,500 words, and you must follow the Harvard Style of Referencing. You are expected to present a well-structured and organized piece of work that is of your own. Plagiarism will not be tolerated, and plagiarized work will receive 0 mark.


  1. You need to attach the income statement and balance sheet with your assignment

Good Luck


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