Nursing Theories Assignment

Grounded Theory


There are various nursing research methodologies that have been used in the areas of nursing research but some of them have not been effective enough. This is because they do not provide a good qualitative methodology as provided by the grounded theory. I agree with the author by asserting that grounded theory explains what happens in the social environment with the ideal of generating explanations. According to Sbaraini et. al (2011), grounded theory provides a model for practice that gives the nursing researchers an effective methodology that creates a link between the medical researcher and the environment he or she wishes to study. With the use of grounded theory methodology, nursing researchers can justify and better designs that leads to high-quality findings that can be more relevant to the research community, patients, and the professionals.

Qualitative research is essential in the nursing field since it helps in determining various aspects such as social and environmental health factors that cannot be otherwise investigated quantitatively. Grounded theory methodology is made of various components that can be applied in the study. They include openness, immediate analysis, theoretical sampling, and theoretical saturation. Medical science is more of a social discipline and hence there is need for effective human interaction. According to Gonzalez-Teruel and Abad-Garcia (2012), grounded theory creates a model for the study of human behavior. This will help in identifying the problems affecting human beings including the environmental related factors. The grounded theory helps in investigating the relationship between the social and environmental factors, and the health of a human being. The grounded theory methodology also improves the quality of the research since it creates a friendly interaction between the interviewer and the participants which then improves the quality and reliability of the findings.


Sbaraini et. al (2011. How to do a grounded theory study: a worked example of a study of dental practices. Journal of BMC Medical Research Methodology. Vol 1 pg 11-128. Accessed from

Gonzalez-Teruel, A & Abad-Garcia, F (2012). Grounded theory for generating theory in the study of information behavior. Library & Information Science Research Vol 34(1),31–36.


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