Please respond to the following:

  • Select one of the four pre-instructional strategies listed in Table 8-1 (Chapter 8) of the course-required textbook to introduce the learning audience to the content of the instructional material you will develop for your final project. Specify the function, content structure, learner, and task attributes as they relate to your selected project. (Note: Be sure to include the title of your project and a brief description to provide your classmates with context for their responses.)

This week we will look closely at four different methods of pre-instructional strategies for introducing an instructional unit; pretest, objectives, overview, an advance organizer.  We see that each of the four strategies has specific applications for use in creating a better introduction for the unit. I’m looking forward to reading each of your discussion posts this week.

Below is a EXAMPLE post from one of my student’s last term

Title: Integrating Technology During Distance Learning

Integrating technology into the curriculum during remote learning in order for students to continue receiving a quality education with fidelity and accountability. Enlarging the curriculum is necessary for teachers to supervise and track student progress, allow students to learn objectives and meet instructional expectations while providing valuable feedback.

The pretest instructional strategy, which will introduce the content of the instructional material to the audience, is pretest to assess the learner to determine their prior knowledge, heighten the learner’s awareness, and bring attention to the central ideas within the unit. The pretest can provide students with a bird’s eye view and perspective of their learning framework. The pretest strategy’s primary function is to signal to the learner what is upcoming and expected. The purpose is also to determine what the learner understands. A pretest strategy should be utilized at the beginning of the planning stage. The content structure is often brief and liberally structured to motivate learners and prepare them for what they will be tasked to learn. This strategy also allows learners to respond to open-ended questions to stimulate critical thinking, discover answers within the text, and enable educators to provide objective sampling.

Function: Provide students with surveys using Google Form about their comfortability levels with using technology. Also provide key computer vocabulary terms and discover what peaks their interests regarding computers. Provide students with an outline the unit.

Content Structure: Warm-Up pre lesson introduction assignments, learners will take focused note-taking, complete online journal entries, incremental projects, independent assignments, and assessments.

Learner: Learners will address the intricacies of using computer technology to continue with instructional learning which include open-ended questions, writing essays, and narrative writing assignments.

Task Attributes: Students will complete grade level tasks based on learning styles, diversity, and computer skill levels to continue learning literacy skills

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