DNP Course

The purpose of this course for the DNP student is to provide the methodological basis for translating evidence into practice systems and to provide an overview of sources of data, data collection, data management, analysis, and evaluation of research findings, with a focus on biostatistical analysis as a base for evidence-based practice in nursing. Course concepts will include a variety of biostatistical analyses with the primary focus on correct interpretation and use of quantitative methods in advanced nursing practice.


  1. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
        1. Develop an understanding and appreciation of biostatistics and the use of clinical data management in healthcare and the effect of clinical data management on patient outcomes.
        2. Identify data analyses utilized in healthcare research.
        3. Understand the planning process related to data collection, analysis, and creation of a data set.
        4. Discuss ethical responsibilities associated with clinical data management.
        5. Analyze complex biostatistics and clinical data from diverse health care organizations and the contribution to evidence that guides best practice.
        6. Interpret clinical data and the effect of clinical data on patient care and safety.
        7. Critically appraise findings from the nursing and health care literature to advance implementation of best evidence into clinical practice.


  1. Practice nursing at the highest level, demonstrating knowledge, skills, and attributes essential to advanced practice in the designated pathway for advanced practice.
  2. Analyze and manage complex patient care in complex and diverse healthcare organizations while being responsive to a changing care environment
  3. Function as a nurse scholar to advocate and ensure quality outcomes-based care, utilizing evidence to guide best practice
  4. Apply information and patient care technology to transform patient care delivery
  5. Participate in the development of health care policy and lead as an advocate for improvements in the healthcare systems
  6. Participate in interprofessional teams as leader and consultant to deliver optimal, evidence-based care to patients and populations
  7. Design and apply evidence-based strategies for clinical prevention and population health to improve the nation’s health

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