MODULE USSKBW-15-3 – Pathophysiology

Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences

Module Handbook

Module Name: Pathophysiology

Module Code: USSKBW-15-3

Module Leader: Dr Chris Moore


USSKBW-15-3 PP 2019/20

Aim of the Handbook

The handbook is a guide for the module USSKBW-15-3 Pathophysiology. Please note that the electronic version of the handbook will be kept up to date on Blackboard and you will be notified of any significant changes. If you have taken a hard copy of any information please remember to refer back to the electronic version to ensure that you are working with the most up to date information.


1. Module team contact information 3

2. Module specific information 3

3. Assessments 4

4. Component B (Coursework) Details 5

5. Reading strategies 5

6. Communication 5

7. Advice and support 6


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1. Module team contact information

Module leader: Dr Chris Moore Room: 2C22


Additional lecturing staff: Dr Rhian Thomas, Dr Kathryn Yuill, Dr Tim Craig, Dr Bahareh Vahabi, Dr Khalid Ansari

2. Module specific information

This module concentrates on the pathophysiology of the major, non-cancer health burdens that currently affect our society and are responsible for the majority of deaths within it; we may also look at some of the more topical and increasingly important causes of morbidity and mortality.

A selection of the topics listed below will be studied in detail.

Cardiovascular system and body fluid homeostasis: Congestive heart failure, atherosclerosis and ischaemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, cardiac pacemakers, hypo- and hypertension. Renal failure, haemodialysis, oedema.

Respiratory system: Ventilatory control, gas exchange and transport; bronchitis, emphysema and asthma; respiratory infections.

Central Nervous system: Cerebral Vascular Accident/stroke, cns infections, dementia, Multiple Sclerosis. Neurotransmitter deficits/targets/abuse (eg Parkinson’s/narcotic analgesics, antidepressants/cocaine, amphetamine).

Tutorials and learning support will be offered at key times (e.g. prior to assessment).


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Learning Content on Blackboard

All modules on the Department of Applied Sciences degree programmes have their own Homepage on the University’s VLE (Virtual Learning Environment): Blackboard, which gives you access to considerable learning support resources. This material can all be accessed from the Learning Materials link on the side-menu of the Blackboard module page. Additional course documents as well as up to date information about assessments can be found on the respective links in that same side-menu.

3. Assessments

Component A (controlled conditions) Contributes/Weighting (of
CC1 Exam (online, on campus) 60%
Component B (not controlled conditions)
CW1 Essay (1500 words) 40%

Exam guidance

Your exam for this module will somewhat different from other modules. More guidance will be given in class, but loosely it will be an online open book exam conducted in a PC lab during the timetabled exam period.


Note: Reassessment submission dates and re-examination dates and times will be published nearer the time, but will occur during July 2017, therefore DO NOT book holiday for this period. You will need to access these details yourself through the UWE website. Please also ensure that the student record system holds up-to-date contact details for you.

Component A (controlled conditions) Contributes/Weighting
Exam CC2 − 3 hours 60%
Component B (controlled conditions)
Coursework CW2 Essay 40%

A second resit opportunity is not automatic and carries a fee depending on whether there are extenuating circumstances surrounding the original failure.

In accordance with the Academic Regulations, only students who have extenuating circumstances accepted by the Resit Award Board may have an entitlement to a


USSKBW-15-3 PP 2019/20

second exceptional attempt (retake). Even if you are awarded a retake, no marks are carried over from previous opportunities and you will be required to attempt all assessments again and are encouraged to attend classes as appropriate.

Passing the module

In order to pass this module you must achieve:

at least 40% in the average mark for the module and at least 40% for the exam component

and at least 40% for the coursework component

  1. Component B (Coursework) Details

For some coursework, students submit their coursework online through Blackboard.


You can get information on how to submit coursework online at

5. Reading strategies

Textbooks that you may find useful for this module can be found in the reading list contained within the module information section of Blackboard

6. Communication

Throughout your time with us, you will receive regular communication from the academic staff attached to this module as well as administrative staff, and it is your responsibility to ensure that you read everything that you are sent, and act upon it where appropriate.

The main communication channel used is your UWE assigned e-mail address and the relevant Blackboard module runs. It is your responsibility to regularly check both for information regarding changes to schedules, assessment updates, laboratory announcements etc.

Please see for further information on all aspects of your myUWE portal.


USSKBW-15-3 PP 2019/20

7. Advice and support

There are a range of facilities and services available to go to for advice and support depending on what the issue is. Remember, asking for help at the earliest possible stage will help you in the long run. Dr Moore will always be happy to help, as well as your Academic Personal tutor, as they will be able to sign post you to the right services and will be able to deal with specific matters relating to teaching and learning.

However you are more than welcome to talk to other members of UWE staff depending on who you feel most comfortable talking to.



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